In this unit, you learn how to edit your own and others’ writing to make it more accessible to all users. The unit focuses on ways to write—and edit—your documentation to make it accessible to everyone. This unit is not meant as an exhaustive reference, but it does describe some general best practices for editing documentation to focus on accessibility.

Cultivate an accessibility mindset for doc editing When you are aware of and focus on the fundamentals of good writing, you also make your documentation more accessible.

With practice, self-editing can help you catch accessibility pitfalls, such as these:

poor or missing headings uninformative link text dense, complex text Create helpful headings Headings help your audience understand what’s in your document. Clear, well-structured document headings simplify navigatation for people with cognitive disabilities and those who use screen readers.

Tag headings with heading elements. HTML:



… Markdown: #, ##, ### … Use a level-1 heading for the page title or main content heading. Don’t skip levels of the heading hierarchy. For example, don’t jump from an

to an