Submitting Code for a Second Review

When modifications or updates are suggested during a review, it’s not uncommon for developers to submit their revised code for a second review. This is to ensure that the changes made are acceptable, efficient, and adhere to the team’s coding standards. It also provides another opportunity for peer feedback, which is crucial in ironing out any remaining issues and accelerating team learning. To make the most of this process, keep in mind the following tips to help streamline the second review and ensure the updated code is on the right track:

  • Address all feedback: Ensure you understand and incorporate all the suggested changes from the first review before submitting the updated code.

  • Keep changes focused: Only submit the necessary changes for the second review. Avoid introducing new unrelated features or modifications, as this can prolong the review process.

  • Re-test your code: After making revisions, ensure the code is still functioning as intended, and all tests still pass. This will save time in the second review and instill confidence in the code from the reviewer’s perspective.

  • Provide context: Provide a brief summary or response to the reviewer’s feedback, outlining changes made or reasons behind maintaining specific parts of the code as it is. This condensed overview will make it easier for the reviewer to identify the changes without needing to re-read the entire code.

  • Set up a follow-up meeting: If needed, schedule a follow-up meeting with the reviewer to address any concerns or unclear parts of the feedback. This direct communication can expedite the review process and avoid misunderstandings.

By incorporating these best practices when submitting updated code for a second review, you will effectively streamline the process and create a positive experience for both the developer and the reviewer. Ultimately, this will lead to higher-quality code and a better-functioning end product.