Review Documentation and Design Specifications

In the process of code review, it is of utmost importance to not only focus on the source code but also to review any associated documentation or design specifications related to the change. This ensures that the implementation adheres to the initial plan and provides a comprehensive understanding of the proposed modifications. To make sure you follow this best practice effectively, consider the following tips:

  • Familiarize yourself with the project’s documentation standards and guidelines to evaluate if the submitted documents comply with these expectations.

  • Compare the design specifications with the actual code changes to ensure that the implementation is consistent with the planned design.

  • Look for any discrepancies or missing information in the documentation and design specifications. This can include gaps in explanation, assumptions, or unclear information that might lead to misunderstandings or inconsistencies in the implementation.

  • Verify if the documentation accurately captures the impact of the change on other parts of the system, e.g., dependencies, performance, or security implications.

  • Check if the documentation is updated to reflect any changes in the code, such as modifications to APIs, user interfaces, or functionality.

Remember that reviewing documentation and design specifications helps ensure clarity and maintainability of the project, making it easier for everyone involved to contribute effectively.