Ensuring Completeness of Change

I cannot emphasize enough the significance of submitting a well-prepared code change for review. This not only saves time for the reviewer and the author but also helps maintain high-quality code in the repository. Here are some essential tips to make sure that your code changes are complete and review-ready:

  • Verify that you have thoroughly tested your changes in different scenarios to confirm that they work as expected and do not introduce any new issues.

  • Ensure that you have written appropriate unit tests for your changes. These tests should be concise, well-structured, and cover all the possible scenarios.

  • Make sure your code follows the project’s coding standards and style guides. Consistency in style makes the code easier to read and maintain.

  • Include clear and concise commit messages that provide context and background information about the changes made. This will help the reviewer understand the purpose and reasoning behind the changes.

  • Update or add documentation related to your changes, if necessary. This can include in-code comments, user-facing documentation, or developer-focused guides.

  • Before submitting your changes, perform a self-review. Reexamine your code closely to catch any potential issues or suggest improvements yourself.

By following these tips, you will increase the likelihood of your code changes being accepted promptly and contribute to a smoother, more efficient code review process.