1.13 Other generic good testing hygiene

:white_check_mark: Do: This post is focused on testing advice that is related to or at least can be exemplified with Node JS. This bullet, however, groups a few non-Node related tips that are well-known

Learn and practice TDD principles — they are extremely valuable for many but don’t get intimidated if they don’t fit your style, you’re not the only one. Consider writing the tests before the code in a red-green-refactor style, ensure each test checks exactly one thing, when you find a bug — before fixing write a test that will detect this bug in the future, and let each test fail at least once before turning green, start a module by writing a quick and simplistic code that satisfies the test - then refactor gradually and take it to a production grade level, avoid any dependency on the environment (paths, OS, etc)

Otherwise: You‘ll miss pearls of wisdom that were collected for decades