Verify All Tests Pass

Running the tests and ensuring that they all pass after making changes is a crucial aspect of “code review” best practices. This step helps in maintaining the quality of the code by making sure that any code modifications do not lead to unexpected errors or issues. As the codebase grows larger and more complex, it becomes increasingly imperative to verify that all tests are passing after any updates.

To make sure that all tests pass after making changes, follow these tips:

  • Always run the complete test suite for the entire project after making code modifications. This will ensure that your changes did not introduce any unwanted side effects or bugs.
  • Keep tests up-to-date and relevant by continuously adding new tests, modifying existing ones, and removing obsolete ones. This ensures that the test suite covers all aspects of the project’s functionality.
  • Use a Continuous Integration (CI) tool that automatically runs the tests whenever a new commit is pushed to the repository. This helps in identifying any issues early on in the development process and saves time during code review.
  • Pay attention to any test failures and address the root cause before submitting the code for review. It is equally important to understand the reason behind a test failure as it is to fix the issue.
  • Encourage the entire development team to follow these practices and hold each other accountable. This promotes a culture of test-driven development and helps maintain high-quality code.