Update Documentation

In the process of improving and modifying code, it is crucial to keep the documentation up to date to ensure that other developers and users can understand and utilize the software efficiently. “Updating any documentation that may have been made obsolete through the changes” means that whenever there is an alteration in the code, related documentation should also be revised accordingly. This practice helps maintain the coherence between the code and its documentation, and avoids confusion that could arise from contradicting or outdated information. To make sure that you’re consistently updating the documentations, here are a few tips:

  • Make a habit of revisiting the documentation right after any code change.
  • During the code review process, include documentation checks as a standard step.
  • Always double-check the affected areas in the documentation to ensure they align with the code changes.
  • Use inline comments and clear commit messages to highlight any modifications made in the code, this will make updating the documentation easier.
  • Collaborate with team members to cross-check both the code and documentation to ensure consistency and accuracy.