Once you’ve created your logo, you might want to consider trademarking it. With trademark protection you can secure the exclusive rights to use your logo and prevent it from being used by someone else.

When it comes to trademarking a logo in the US, you’ll need to work through the following steps, you can also use a trademark attorney to guide you through the process:

  • Conduct a trademark search, to make sure your logo design isn’t already registered by someone else in use by another business. You can do that here.

  • File a trademark application with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). You can do this online using the Trademark Electronic Application System (TEAS).

  • Provide all necessary information about your logo. This will include a description of it, including specific words or slogans used in it, as well as is specific colors and designs.

  • Submit the application fee. Prices start from US$250 per class as of 2023. The prices will vary depending on your filing basis, the number of classes the logo is registered under and other factors.

  • Wait for your application to be reviewed. This may take several months.

  • Respond to any office actions the USPTO sends you. If they have any questions or concerns related to your application, they’ll send you one of these. You’ll then be expected to respond to their questions within a reasonable time frame.

  • Accept your trademark registration once it’s approved. As part of this you’ll receive a registration certificate from the USPTO. Your trademark will then be valid for ten years, and it can be renewed as long as you’re still using it as part of your business operations and branding.

You might also want to consider copyrighting your logo. In the United States, copyright protection for a logo is automatic once its created, but you can register your logo with the U.S. Copyright Office to obtain additional legal protection.