Tested in a Development Environment

In a code review, it is essential to verify that the code change has been properly tested in a development environment before it is merged into the main codebase. This not only helps to detect potential issues early in the development process but also ensures that the changes function as intended without causing any unexpected behavior or side effects. To make sure that the code has been adequately tested in a development environment, follow these tips:

  • Examine the test results: Ensure that the developer has shared the test results alongside the code changes. Look for passed/failed test cases, test case coverage, and performance metrics.

  • Validate the testing strategy: Check if the tests cover all the critical scenarios affected by the change, and confirm that they address potential regression, edge cases, and potential security vulnerabilities.

  • Request a demo: If possible, ask the developer to provide a demo of the changes working in the development environment. This can help you visualize the change and evaluate its impact on the software.

  • Set up the development environment on your machine: By setting up the development environment and running the tests locally, you can get a first-hand experience of the changes made and ensure their effectiveness.

  • Check the automated testing pipeline: Ensure that the Continuous Integration (CI) system is set up to run tests on the submitted code changes automatically. Monitor the pipeline for any test failures or performance degradation relating to the changes.

By following these tips, you can ensure that the changes made to the codebase have gone through proper testing in a development environment, reducing the risk of introducing undetected issues and improving the overall quality of the software.