Lean Canvas

Lean Canvas helps you define your Unique Value Proposition (UVP), identify your target customers, and outline your strategy.

- by UX Design Roadmap from roadmap.sh

  1. Start by identifying the main problems your product aims to solve.
  2. Define your target audience. Be as specific as possible.
  3. Clearly articulate the unique value your product or service offers to your target customers. Your UVP should be distinctive and competitive, differentiating you from other solutions in the market.
  4. List the key features, functionalities, or aspects of your product that address the identified problems, and align with your UVP.
  5. Outline the various methods through which you plan to reach your target customers, such as social media, search engine optimization (SEO), email campaigns, or paid advertising.
  6. Identify the ways you plan to generate income from your product or service.
  7. List your main costs and expenses associated with building, launching, and maintaining your product, including development, marketing, operations, and support.
  8. Determine the indicators you’ll use to track your performance and gauge the success of your product. Metrics could include sales, user engagement, customer satisfaction, or any other relevant success indicators.
  9. Identify and describe any unfair advantages your product or business may have over your competitors. This could include unique expertise, proprietary technology, or strategic partnerships.