⚪ ️ 3.9 Have one E2E smoke test that just travels across the site map

:white_check_mark: Do: For production monitoring and development-time sanity check, run a single E2E test that visits all/most of the site pages and ensures no one breaks. This type of test brings a great return on investment as it’s very easy to write and maintain, but it can detect any kind of failure including functional, network and deployment issues. Other styles of smoke and sanity checking are not as reliable and exhaustive - some ops teams just ping the home page (production) or developers who run many integration tests which don’t discover packaging and browser issues. Goes without saying that the smoke test doesn’t replace functional tests rather just aim to serve as a quick smoke detector

Otherwise: Everything might seem perfect, all tests pass, production health-check is also positive but the Payment component had some packaging issue and only the /Payment route is not rendering

Code Examples

:clap: Doing It Right Example: Smoke travelling across all pages

it("When doing smoke testing over all page, should load them all successfully", () => {
  // exemplified using Cypress but can be implemented easily
  // using any E2E suite