⚪ ️5.7 Automate dependency updates

:white_check_mark: Do: Yarn and npm latest introduction of package-lock.json introduced a serious challenge (the road to hell is paved with good intentions) — by default now, packages are no longer getting updates. Even a team running many fresh deployments with ‘npm install’ & ‘npm update’ won’t get any new updates. This leads to subpar dependent packages versions at best or to vulnerable code at worst. Teams now rely on developers goodwill and memory to manually update the package.json or use tools like ncu manually. A more reliable way could be to automate the process of getting the most reliable dependency versions, though there are no silver bullet solutions yet there are two possible automation roads:

(1) CI can fail builds that have obsolete dependencies — using tools like ‘npm outdated’ or ‘npm-check-updates (ncu)’ . Doing so will enforce developers to update dependencies.

(2) Use commercial tools that scan the code and automatically send pull requests with updated dependencies. One interesting question remaining is what should be the dependency update policy — updating on every patch generates too many overhead, updating right when a major is released might point to an unstable version (many packages found vulnerable on the very first days after being released, see the eslint-scope incident).

An efficient update policy may allow some ‘vesting period’ — let the code lag behind the @latest for some time and versions before considering the local copy as obsolete (e.g. local version is 1.3.1 and repository version is 1.3.8)

Otherwise: Your production will run packages that have been explicitly tagged by their author as risky

Code Examples

:clap: Example: ncu can be used manually or within a CI pipeline to detect to which extent the code lag behind the latest versions

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