Home Page

Home page is one of the most strategic pages of any website. It is called home as it is typically a starting point where the user gets a core introduction to the website and chooses the direction of his further journey around it. ==Home pages== usually contain links to the most important interaction zones. In other words, it can be also named the initial page or index page. Home page is the start of users’ journeys if they are directed to the website by search engines so in most cases, it is the page visited by the biggest number of website users.

Home page often contains a search field, basic onboarding functionality for personalized sites, and different areas of navigation showing users diverse categories of data. It might also contain engaging welcome messages and copy blocks featuring slogans and/or explaining the benefits of the website or brand it presents. So, in the case of web marketing, it is recommended to design the home page in consistency with a company or product branding to give a strong visual association.

The look and structure of the home page may also differ for the websites where users sign up and create accounts. In this case, it often happens that the home page looks different for users that are logged in and the ones that aren’t. For example, for logged-in users on social networking websites, the home page may look like the feed of all the updates while the logged-out users will perhaps see the page presenting the benefits of the website and the registration form. On ecommerce websites, the home page often shows the hot deals and provides quick access to different categories of goods.

Depending on the business goals and target audience, design solutions for home pages may be very different: some of them are based around informativeness while the others aim to “shock and awe” a visitor with the wow-effect of media content or animation, this way catching attention, creating the necessary mood and engaging to see more.

_Home page design for the website on ecotourism_ _Home page for [Credentially](https://blog.tubikstudio.com/credentially-webdesign-webflow-development/), the service on hiring in the healthcare sphere_

Read about best design practices for home pages