404 Page

==The 404 pages== can be found on any website. Technically, 404 or Not Found is the error message in HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) response code: it is sent in case a user got successfully connected with the server, but for some reason couldn’t get the content that was requested. It can happen, for example, when users tap the link to the page which has been deleted, dead, or if the link itself is broken; in this situation, the website server forms and sends the 404 webpages to inform the user that the content cannot be found.

The most basic solution for a page of this kind is a simple layout with just a line of copy saying that “nothing can be found here”. Nevertheless, these days the vast majority of websites apply the customized 404 webpages that can serve much more strategic goals or at least add some fun to that annoying case. What’s more, a creative approach to this error page can also effectively support website or brand promotion. A well-crafted and stylish 404 webpage not only informs visitors but also navigates them to other pages, entertains, or just gives a moment of aesthetic pleasure.

404 page ecommerce website tubikstudio

404 error page for fashion brand website

tubik moonworkers 404 page_illustration

Custom illustration for 404 error created for Moonworkers

error page design

404 page design for an e-commerce website

Playful 404 page design for ShipDaddy website