About Pull Requests

Providing a proper title, description, screenshots, relevant links, and configuration changes helps reviewers quickly grasp the purpose, functionality, and any other important context associated with the changes introduced by the PR. To ensure the quality and effectiveness of your PR documentation, follow these helpful tips:

  • Title: Choose a clear and concise title, summarizing the main purpose or functionality added by the changes.

  • Description: Write a thorough description of what your changes do, how they work, and any potential side effects or limitations. Make sure to include information about the problem you are solving or the feature you are implementing.

  • Screenshots: If your changes involve visual elements or affect the user interface, include screenshots to give reviewers a better understanding of the visual impact.

  • Relevant Links: Provide any relevant links, such as issue trackers, feature requests, or design documents, to aid reviewers in understanding the context of your work.

  • Configuration Changes: Mention any changes in configuration settings or introduce any new settings that are required to run or test your code. Explain how these settings should be used and what their default values should be.

By following these tips, you can streamline the code review process, making it easier for your peers to understand and evaluate your work while minimizing potential confusion or miscommunication.