Be Professional

When engaged in reviewing your peers’ work, it’s crucial to approach each comment and suggestion with tact and empathy, ensuring that your communication remains constructive and free from personal attacks or derogatory remarks. To make sure you abide by this best practice and foster a positive team dynamic, here are some tips to guide your feedback approach:

  • Focus on the code, not the person: Address the code changes and avoid directing comments towards the individual who submitted the code.

  • Use neutral language: Keep your language objective and non-inflammatory, steering clear of words or phrases that may be perceived as aggressive, dismissive, or condescending.

  • Be specific and clear: Offer feedback that is direct and actionable, outlining any areas of concern or suggested improvements with clarity and detail.

  • Be open to questions and discussion: Encourage open dialogue by inviting questions or alternative viewpoints, demonstrating a willingness to listen and learn from others.

  • Offer praise alongside critiques: Celebrate the successes of your team members, acknowledging their hard work and achievements as you address any issues or opportunities for growth.

  • Remember the human element: Keep in mind that there’s a person behind every code submission - remain empathetic, respectful, and patient throughout the code review process.