09. Refine the results

Perhaps you’ll nail your logo design in one shot—but it’s more likely that you’ll want to go back to the options generated by the logo maker or graphic designer to further refine and customize your results.

This is the stage when you’ll edit and polish your logo options. Use the tools available to fine-tune your size, layout, colors, font, shape, style and imagery until you get the results you want.

Professional-grade graphic design software plays a significant role in allowing users to refine their logos. It means users can manipulate images, create detailed designs and logos, and even animate designs with ease, so use them to your advantage. Leading examples of this kind of editing software include Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, and FontShop International.

Don’t forget to review your logo in all of the different file formats it will eventually be displayed in. File formats determine how the final image will be presented online and in print. Different types of files are used for logos depending on how it is going to be used. For instance, .jpg, .png, .svg and .eps file formats are all commonly used for print media while .gif and .webp file formats are commonly used for online media. It is important to consider how the logo will be used before deciding on a file format, as this will ensure that the design looks its best no matter how it is viewed. It’s not uncommon to have your logo saved in several different file formats.