07. Outline a logo shape

As your logo comes together, consider which shapes you’ll integrate into your design. Logo shapes can be used in a variety of ways, from the entire composition to small details within the overall design. Shapes play a major role in perception and making logos instantly recognizable.

Understanding logo psychology and the impact shapes can have on emotions will empower you to design a purposeful logo that delivers your brand message authentically.

All shapes can be divided into three categories:

  • Geometric shapes are all created by unique configurations of lines, points and curves, and are most frequently symmetrical. These include circles, triangles, rectangles, squares and lines.

  • Organic shapes, also known as free forms, refer to any kind of naturally occurring figure. These shapes are most commonly irregular and asymmetrical. Organic shapes include leaves, flowers, water droplets or other shapes found in nature. They also include spirals, rounded edges and curved shapes.

  • Abstract shapes don’t follow any rules, and can take on many diverse forms. Sometimes created by merging other existing elements, or creating something completely new, abstract shapes are great for storytelling or evoking emotion. Abstract logos can be thought-provoking and engaging. Just remember, they must still embody your brand identity.