05. Decide on a color scheme

Colors hold an enormous power in their own right. Color psychology tells us that different hues and tones can elicit emotion from audiences, impacting their behavior. The intent when choosing a logo color scheme for your design serves two purposes: first, to get the reaction you want out of your customers and second, to enhance your brand’s recognizability.

Web colors are digital representations of a variety of colors used to create websites and other digital design projects. These colors can be used to convey a range of messages, from energy and enthusiasm to sophistication and trustworthiness. Web colors are typically defined as one of 16 million hues, including red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, and pink.

logo color psychology

When it comes to logo color options, we can divide them into three categories: black and white logos, monochrome logos or color combination logos. A black and white theme can suit your logo if you’re going for a sleek minimalist style or a classic design. Monochrome logos (logos that include a single color) work well with wordmarks and lettermarks, and can make a strong impact by further associating an individual color with your brand. Successful examples of this are the signature red associated with Coca-Cola or Tiffany’s Robin Egg Blue.